Asset allocation override

To provide further flexibility in our reporting, the Flexible Asset Allocation facility allows you to override your client’s default asset allocation to another asset class. Changes are reflected in the asset allocation reporting so clients can see their intended portfolio composition. This won’t impact your client’s tax reporting.

Please note: To use the asset allocation override function, you must have a Macquarie ID with dealer access or adviser access (Full/Limited/View only) where at least one of the adviser codes has been nominated by the dealer to have access to the override functionality.

How to nominate an adviser with access (dealer steps):

  1. Log in to Adviser Online with your dealer login
  2.  Select Clients and click Wrap account administration from the left-hand menu
  3. Select Setup or Maintain asset allocation override
  4. Select Nominate advisers for asset allocation override
  5. Select Modify to nominate (or amend existing) adviser access.

How to use asset allocation override facility at a dealer level or nominated adviser:

  1. Log in to Adviser Online
  2. Select Clients and Wrap account administration from the left-hand menu
  3. Select Setup or Maintain asset allocation override
  4. Select the required dealer (or adviser) from the drop-down for which the override is to apply
  5. Click on the asset type you would like to override by selecting either:
    • override an asset allocation at security level, or
    • override an asset allocation for managed investments and term deposits
  6. To view all the securities or managed investments held by accounts under the dealer or adviser, select either all securities currently held, or all managed investments and term deposits currently held. Alternatively, to view an individual security or managed investments held on the platform, select either individual security or individual managed investment
  7. Once chosen, click Display
  8. To perform an override, click on the update link next to the required asset
  9. Enter the required percentages for the relevant asset classes. Once the override percentages have been entered, click on the update link to save te override.

Once the update has been made, it will be shown under the dealer override or adviser override section.

Tip: The override percentages can only be up to two decimal places and the percentages must total 100 per cent or an error message will be shown.

For listed securities and managed investments, you can change the asset allocation to one of the existing seven asset classes (cash, fixed interest Australian, fixed interest international, shares Australian, shares international, property and other). The asset allocation for term deposits can be changed to either fixed interest, Australian or cash. Overrides can only be made for all term deposits for a dealer or adviser and they cannot be split across the different asset classes.

Asset allocation changes will be reflected in the following reports:

  • Asset Allocation
  • Detailed Asset Allocation
  • Portfolio Snapshot

Overrides will also flow through to established Asset Allocation benchmarking.

Remove asset allocation override

To remove an override, click on the remove link and this will remove the override immediately. 

The overrides conducted will flow through to the following reports immediately: 

  1. Portfolio Snapshot
  2. Detailed Asset Allocation
  3. Asset Allocation.

Add other assets

You can add other assets to a portfolio in the Wrap Adviser Portal by following the below steps: 

  1. Log in to Adviser Online
  2. Select Go to and click Macquarie Wrap from the left hand menu
  3. Select Administration
  4. Select Maintain an investment account
  5. Enter the account Name or Number
  6. Select Enter or Maintain other assets
  7. Complete all the required fields
  8. Click Add.

Reverse other asset transactions

You can reverse other asset transactions in the Wrap Adviser Portal by following the below steps: 

  1. Log in to Adviser Online
  2. Select Go to and click Macquarie Wrap from the left hand menu
  3. Select Administration
  4. Select Maintain an investment account
  5. Enter the account Name or Number
  6. Select Enter or Maintain other assets
  7. Select the other asset
  8. Select Delete
  9. Select Yes.

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Everyone at Macquarie is commited to providing our clients with the highest standard of products and services available. If you have feedback we would like you to tell us about it. 

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