Common fixes

If you’re having issues using the Macquarie Authenticator app to authorise transactions or account changes, one of these common fixes may help.

De-register any old devices

Macquarie Authenticator may not work on your new device if it’s still registered on another device.

To deactivate Macquarie Authenticator in Macquarie Online Banking:

  1. Hover over the Settings icon on the side menu then click on Security Settings
  2. Scroll down to Connected Devices
  3. Click Manage
  4. Find the device you wish to deactivate Macquarie Authenticator from and click Deactivate app
  5. We’ll send an actionable push notification to your registered device to verify yourself
  6. Select Approve.

This will stop notifications from being sent to this device. You will also no longer be able to verify actions from this device.

Update the Macquarie Authenticator app

  1. Open the app store on your device and search ‘Macquarie Authenticator’:
  2. Click Update next to the lock icon
  3. Once the update has finished, you can use it as usual.

Check notifications are enabled

In your phone security settings, check that you have notifications enabled for the Macquarie Authenticator app.

Still having issues?

Please call us on 133 174 (+61 2 8245 4470), 24/7 and we’ll try to resolve your issue over the phone.

Experiencing financial difficulty?

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