Your Macquarie Online Trading account

When opening a Macquarie Online Trading (MOT) account, it will be linked to a Macquarie Cash Management Account (CMA) for the purpose of settling trades.

Each MOT account needs to be linked to its own Macquarie CMA. You can have multiple MOT accounts in the same name, but they need to each have their own Macquarie CMA.

When you want to buy an asset with the MOT account, there’s no need to transfer money from the CMA to the MOT account. Once the trade is placed, the system will pull the required money from the CMA to fund the MOT account.

Transfer cash into your CMA

See the section below for instructions on how to transfer cash into your CMA.

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

You can transfer funds into your CMA from your other Macquarie accounts or from most other financial institutions by using their online banking services.

Our branch (BSB) number is 182-512*.

Please note:

  • Transfers from Macquarie accounts will generally reach your account on the same business banking day. This does not include super or pension accounts
  • Transfers from other financial institutions are normally made overnight and generally reach your account the following business banking day. This means a transfer made on a Friday will generally be deposited the following Monday. Transfers made after business hours, however, will take an additional day to reach your account. For example, a transfer made after business hours on a Monday will generally be deposited on Wednesday.

Transfer via an overseas bank

You can transfer funds to your Macquarie CMA from overseas by: 

  • bank draft drawn at an Australian bank, or by
  • telegraphic transfer in Australian dollars (AUD). Please instruct the sending bank to quote our SWIFT code: MACQAU2S XXX.


To send funds to your Macquarie CMA via BPAY®, contact the financial institution holding the funds, which must be a BPAY payer. Use the following details to make the transfer:

  • Biller code: 667022
  • Reference number: your cash account number.

Please note BPAY deposits take two business days to clear.

Direct debit

Direct debits are the easiest way to automate regular deposits into your account. 
To set up a direct debit from an account you have with another financial institution, you can elect this on the online application at the time your account is opened and complete the Direct Debit Request form
This form can also be used to facilitate a one-off direct debit. 
The name of the bank account that you're debiting needs to match the name of your Macquarie account. You can request a direct debit from your joint bank account into your individual Macquarie account, just make sure that the direct debit request is signed by both joint account holders. 
You’ll need to provide a copy of a recent bank statement (that’s less than six months old) for the account you’re debiting which is used to verify the account details. 
In circumstances where the account you are nominating for direct debits doesn’t issue statements, we will accept alternative documents that clearly reflect the account name and details, for example a Transaction Report or screenshot of the online bank statement.


Write the following depositing account details on the back of each cheque:

  • account name
  • account number
  • account BSB
  • a contact number (mobile or landline).

Post the cheque(s) to:   

Macquarie Bank Limited 
GPO Box 4045  
Sydney NSW 2001

You can also deposit a cheque at any NAB branch.

Please note: It generally takes three business days for Australian dollar cheques, including bank cheques, to clear.

How settlements work

When you buy an asset, the necessary funds will be held in your CMA. Once the buy settles, those held funds will be debited from your CMA to fund the trade. 

When you sell an asset, the proceeds will be credited to your CMA once it settles.

Equity transactions on the ASX generally settle on T+2 (i.e. two trading days after the trade has taken place), although some securities may settle on a deferred basis.

Selling and buying on the same day (contra trading)

Contra trading describes the sale and purchase of Australian listed securities on the same day. The sale proceeds will be used to cover the costs of the Australian listed securities purchased on the same day.

When there are insufficient funds after offsetting sales and purchases, we’ll draw the shortfall from your CMA. Contra trading may also give rise to a CGT event. Please refer to your adviser for further details.

Change the settlement account

To update the settlement account linked to your MOT account, please send a signed request from the account holders with instructions to

Please note, the settlement account needs to be another Macquarie CMA and be in the same name as the MOT account.

If you’re updating the linked account as the trustees have changed, please refer to share transfers and account changes.

® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518.

Start a live chat

Log in to Macquarie Online Banking or the Macquarie Mobile Banking app and chat with a consultant in real time, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Sydney time (excluding public holidays).

Experiencing financial difficulty?

Please get in touch as soon as possible so we can work together to find the right solution for you.

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