Manage watchlists and email alerts

Watchlist and alerts enable you to keep track of key indicators such as price and price changes, traded volume, and dividend yield.

Manage your watchlists

Login to your Macquarie Online Trading account at with your Macquarie ID and password

To create a watchlist:

  1. Select the Watchlists tab in the Watch – Analysis section at the bottom of the home screen
  2. Select the + icon, name your watchlist, then select Save

To add or delete a share from a watchlist:

  1. Login to your account at
  2. Select the Watchlists tab in the Watch – Analysis section at the bottom of the Home screen
  3. To add a share, enter the ASX share code in the securities box and select the + icon
  4. To delete a share, select the X icon at the end of the share row.

To edit a watchlist name:

  1. Select your watchlist from the dropdown box in the Watch – Watchlists section
  2. Select the ab.. icon to edit, rename your watchlist, and select Save

To delete a watchlist:

  1. Select your watchlist from the dropdown box in the Watch – Watchlists section
  2. Select the X icon to edit, then select OK

Manage your email alerts

To update your email preferences log into and click alerts on the left-hand side menu.

On this page, you can set and amend:

  1. Price and company announcement alerts
  2. Index alerts
  3. Email order and booking notifications
  4. SMS order, trade and conditional order notifications.

You can also update the email address and mobile number these notifications will be sent to. Please note that updating your mobile or email on this page will only affect these notifications and contract note delivery.

To update your email or mobile for your other Macquarie accounts, visit Share transfers and account changes.

Not receiving email alerts?

We recommend you check:

  1. You’ve registered the correct email address with us in the Administration section of the Macquarie Online Trading website
  2. Your mailbox isn’t full
  3. Our emails are not in your 'Junk mail' or 'Spam mail' folders
  4. We’re on your 'Safe senders' list.

If you’ve checked this and are still not receiving email alerts, please call us on 1800 013 034.

Start a live chat

Log in to Macquarie Online Banking or the Macquarie Mobile Banking app and chat with a consultant in real time, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Sydney time (excluding public holidays).

Experiencing financial difficulty?

Please get in touch as soon as possible so we can work together to find the right solution for you.

Resolve a complaint

Everyone at Macquarie is committed to providing our clients with the highest standard of products and services available. If you have feedback we would like you to tell us about it.