Customise your view

You can change the way your accounts are displayed on Macquarie Online Banking and the Macquarie Mobile Banking app.

Add account nicknames

To add a nickname to an account in Macquarie Online Banking:

  1. Hover over your account in the account list 
  2. Select I want to
  3. Select View account details in the menu drop-down
  4. In Account summary, select Set nickname to edit
  5. Make your changes
  6. Select the Save nickname button

To add a nickname to an account in the Macquarie Mobile Banking app

For IOS:

  1. Select your account in the account list
  2. Select I want to
  3. Select View account details in the menu drop-down
  4. In Details, select Acc nickname to edit
  5. Make your changes
  6. Select the Save button

For Android:

  1. Select your account in the account list
  2. Select I want to
  3. Select View account details in the menu drop-down
  4. In Details, select Account nickname to edit
  5. Make your changes 
  6. Select the Save button

Create a group for your accounts

To create a group for your accounts in Macquarie Online Banking:

  1. In Accounts, click on customize button
  2. Now click on Create a group button in top right
  3. Change the group name to a name of your choosing
  4. And move accounts to the selected group
  5. Click Save when done.

To create a group for your accounts in the Macquarie Mobile Banking app:

  1. In Accounts, select More options in top right
  2. Select Manage account groups
  3. Select the plus icon in the top right
  4. Change the group name to a name of your choosing
  5. Click Save when done
  6. Choose the account you want to move by holding the icon on the right of the account and sliding it up or down.

Move an account to an account group

To move an account to an account group in Macquarie Online Banking:

  1. Login to Macquarie Online Banking
  2. In Accounts, click on customize button
  3. Now hover over the account line you want to move
  4. And drag and drop it to where you want
  5. Drag and drop, by clicking on the account line, holding down, and dragging your mouse to where you want the account.
  6. Click Save when done.

To move an account to an account group in the Macquarie Mobile Banking app:

  1. Login to Macquarie Mobile Banking
  2. In Accounts, select More options in top right.
  3. Select Manage account groups
  4. Choose the account you want to move by holding the icon on the right of the account and sliding it up or down.

Rename an account group

To rename an account group in Macquarie Online Banking:

  1. Login to Macquarie Online Banking
  2. In Accounts, click on customize button
  3. Click on edit icon near account group name
  4. Make your changes
  5. Click Save when done.

To rename an account group in the Macquarie Mobile Banking app:

  1. Login to Macquarie Mobile Banking
  2. In Accounts, select More options in top right.
  3. Select Manage account groups
  4. Click on the account group you want to rename
  5. Make your changes.
  6. Click Save when done.

Remove account groups

To remove an account group in Macquarie Online Banking:

  1. Login to Macquarie Online Banking
  2. In Accounts, click on customize button
  3. Ensure no accounts are displayed in group
  4. Select Delete icon in top right
  5. Click Save when done.

To remove an account group in the Macquarie Mobile Banking app:

  1. Login to Macquarie Mobile Banking
  2. In Accounts, select More options in top right
  3. Select Manage account groups
  4. Ensure no accounts are displayed in group
  5. Click on the Delete icon on right side of the group name.

Set your favourite accounts

You can update your favourite accounts from Macquarie Online Banking. You’re unable to update in the app.

  1. Login to Macquarie Online Banking
  2. In Accounts, hover over the account and select the pin icon
  3. The pinned accounts will display in the Accounts list on the left-hand side menu.

Set up Quick View

You can set up Quick View in the app. You’re unable to update in Macquarie Online Banking.

To set up and manage a quick snapshot of your accounts in the Macquarie Mobile Banking app:

  1. Select the settings icon on the right-hand corner of each category in your accounts list
  2. In the Manage Accounts panel, select Manage quick view accounts
  3. Select the accounts to display in Quick view

Hide or show your account

To hide or show account in Macquarie Online Banking:

  1. Login to Macquarie Online Banking
  2. In Accounts, click on customize button
  3. Click on eye icon next to the account you want to hide or show
  4. Eye with strike through will not show account, click again on the eye if you want to show account
  5. Click Save when done

To hide or show account in Macquarie Mobile Banking app:

  1. Login to Macquarie Mobile Banking
  2. In Accounts, select More options in top right.
  3. Select Manage card and account displays
  4. Click on the eye icon next to the account you want to hide or show
  5. Eye with strike through will not show account, click again on the eye if you want to show it.
  6. Click on Done in top left.

Change the order of the account groups in your Account list

To change the order of an account group in Macquarie Online Banking:

  1. In Accounts, click on customize button
  2. Click on the up and down arrows in top right corner of group to order your group
  3. Click Save when done.

To change the order of an account group in the Macquarie Mobile Banking app:

  1. Login to Macquarie Mobile Banking
  2. In Accounts, select the More option button in top right
  3. Now click on Manage account groups
  4. Click on the up and down arrows in top right corner of each group to order your group
  5. Click Done when you want to save.

Start a live chat

Log in to Macquarie Online Banking or the Macquarie Mobile Banking app and chat with a consultant in real time, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Sydney time (excluding public holidays).

Experiencing financial difficulty?

Please get in touch as soon as possible so we can work together to find the right solution for you.

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Everyone at Macquarie is committed to providing our clients with the highest standard of products and services available. If you have feedback we would like you to tell us about it.