Update your term deposit maturity instructions

You can update your term deposit maturity instruction anytime during the life of your term deposit and 5 business days or 7 days, whichever is longer, after your term deposit has matured. After this time, if you don't update your maturity instructions, your term deposit funds will be reinvested, and you will need to provide 31 days’ notice to withdraw it.

You can provide maturity instructions for your term deposit via Macquarie Online Banking or Macquarie Mobile Banking app to:  

  • Reinvest principal and interest
  • Reinvest principal
  • Fully withdraw.

Provide maturity instructions in Macquarie Online Banking

To provide maturity instructions in Macquarie Online Banking:

    1. Hover on your term deposit account in the account list
    2. Select I want to
    3. Select Update maturity instructions in the menu drop down
    4. Follow the prompts and select Submit
    5. That’s it! We’ve got your instruction and will process this when your term deposit matures.

    Provide maturity instructions in the Macquarie Mobile Banking app

    To provide maturity instructions in the Macquarie Mobile Banking app:

    1. Select your term deposit account from the account list
    2. Select the I want to button
    3. Select Update maturity instructions in the menu 
    4. Follow the prompts and select Submit
    5. That’s it! We’ve got your instruction and will process this when your term deposit matures.

    Lodgement and processing times

    For term deposit lodgement times, please refer to the Macquarie Bank Term Deposit Product Information Statement.

    Change a linked bank account

    If you need to change the linked bank account for your term deposit, please complete the Macquarie Account Nomination form. You’ll need to provide a copy of your bank statement for both the original and new bank account. You can only nominate an account in the same name as your term deposit.

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