Miss or unable to make your repayments

If you’re unable to make your next repayment on time, your options for flexible payment arrangements may differ depending on the type of home loan you have.

Home loans with BSB starting 182

If your BSB starts with 182, and you miss a repayment, you can transfer funds into your account to make up for missed repayments. You’ll need to quote the BSB and account number of your Macquarie Home Loan when you set up the transfer.

Accessing redraw during a payment arrangement or financial assistance

  • Any available redraw balance can continue to be accessed online if your loan account is on a variable rate.
  • Please note, if you have redraw available and you missed a payment on the account, any available redraw balance you have will reduce each month by the repayments you’re not making to ensure that your loan can be repaid over the remaining loan term.
  • Your account will not fall into arrears until all available redraw has been used.
  • If you withdraw funds from redraw, it will not impact your contractual repayment. However, your repayments may be recalculated at the end of a financial assistance period.

Home loans with BSB starting 183

If your home loan account starting with BSB 183 has a fixed rate or is a SMSF home loan, and you’re unable to make a minimum payment before the due date or you’ve missed a repayment, please call us and we can discuss your payment options.  You can reach us on 1300 363 330 (+61 2 8550 5644 from overseas) from 9am to 5:15pm (AEST), Monday to Friday.

Accessing redraw during a payment arrangement or financial assistance

If your home loan account is in arrears or under an approved financial assistance arrangement, redraw is not available online.

  • During the financial assistance period, any redraw that’s available will reduce each month.
  • If your current loan balance is greater than the loan limit, redraw is not available unless additional payments are made to make your loan balance less than the loan limit.
  • Your contractual repayments are calculated on the balance of your loan; therefore, any redraws would impact your future payments.
  • If you were to withdraw a lump sum from redraw prior to financial assistance, your contractual payments will only be recalculated if you request so, if there is a change to your interest rate, or at the end of your financial assistance arrangement if a variation occurs.

Need financial assistance?

If you’re unable to meet your repayments due to a change of circumstance, we may be able to offer financial assistance. This could include flexible payment arrangements, variations or we may allow you to reduce or defer your repayments in the short term. Financial assistance is considered on a case-by-case basis.

If you wish to apply for financial assistance, please complete our Financial Assistance form.

If you’d like to speak with someone to discuss your options in more detail, please call us on 1300 363 330 (+61 2 8550 5644 from overseas) 9am to 5:15pm (AEST), Monday to Friday, or email us at financialassistance@macquarie.com

For more information, please visit our page on financial assistance.

Start a live chat

Log in to Macquarie Online Banking or the Macquarie Mobile Banking app and chat with a consultant in real time, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Sydney time (excluding public holidays).

Experiencing financial difficulty?

Please get in touch as soon as possible so we can work together to find the right solution for you.

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