What type of account?

For details on how to make a contribution or deposit to your Macquarie Wrap account read the relevant section below.

Superannuation account

Please take note of all contribution limits and eligibility criteria prior to making deposits into superannuation accounts.

In general, the effective date of a contribution is the day when the funds and all required information to process the contribution is received by the fund.

Employer contributions

To send contribution information and payments via SuperStream to us, your employer or their payroll service providers will need your member number and the following fund information:

  • Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) and superannuation product name
  • Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • Electronic service address (ESA)

To obtain the above information for your employer, please see our Employer Superannuation Contributions form. This form includes our letter of compliance. If you hold a Macquarie Vision account please use this form.

To determine your super product’s ESA and crediting details, you can simply provide the relevant USI and ABN to your employer. With the USI and ABN, your employer can identify the super product and respective ESA via the Australian Taxation Office’s (ATO) Fund Validation Service.

The USI and ABN for our Macquarie administered funds are provided below:

Macquarie Super Manager65 508 799 106266 912 94665 508 799 106 031MAQ0157AU
Macquarie Pension Manager65 508 799 106266 912 94665 508 799 106 032MAQ0158AU
Macquarie Term Allocated Pension Manager65 508 799 106266 912 94665 508 799 106 088MAQ0355AU
Macquarie Super Consolidator65 508 799 106266 912 94665 508 799 106 172MAQ0779AU
Macquarie Pension Consolidator65 508 799 106266 912 94665 508 799 106 173MAQ0780AU
Macquarie Super Manager II65 508 799 106266 912 94665 508 799 106 185 
Macquarie Pension Manager II65 508 799 106266 912 94665 508 799 106 186 
Macquarie Super Consolidator II65 508 799 106266 912 94665 508 799 106 172 
Macquarie Pension Consolidator II65 508 799 106266 912 94665 508 799 106 173 
Macquarie Super Accumulator65 508 799 106266 912 94665 508 799 106 041MAQ0311AU


If you hold a Macquarie Vision account please use the below details:

Macquarie Super65 508 799 106266 912 94665 508 799 106 172MAQ0779AU

If you don’t know what your member number is or the name of your product, you can find it on Macquarie Online Banking by following the below steps:

  1. Log in to Macquarie Online Banking
  2. Hover over menu icon  in top left-hand corner
  3. Select Accounts
  4. Select account
  5. Find the member number and product name for your account.

Employer contributions can only be made via SuperStream. Other methods of making employer contributions are not permitted by law and there may be penalties to employers for making contributions by any means other than SuperStream.


Using BPAY® is one of the easiest ways to transfer large deposits into your account. To send funds to your account via BPAY, the financial institution holding the funds must be a BPAY payer. Using your online banking service, log into your account and make a payment to the details listed below. To make a payment into your Macquarie account, you’ll need:

  • The biller code for the contribution type you intend to make, and
  • Your BPAY Reference Number.

The BPAY biller codes for our Macquarie administered funds are provided below:

Product NamePersonalSpouse
Macquarie Super Manager423004423020
Macquarie Super Manager II423004423020
Macquarie Super Consolidator423004423020
Macquarie Super Consolidator II423004423020
Macquarie Super Accumulator423038423053


If you hold a Macquarie Vision account, please use the below details:

Product NamePersonalSpouse
Macquarie Super423004423020


Please contact your financial adviser for your BPAY Reference Number.

Please note, BPAY deposits take up to three business days to clear. The maximum amount you can deposit in one transaction via BPAY is $325,000.

Electronic funds transfer (EFT)

You can transfer funds into your account via electronic funds transfer (EFT) by using your financial institution’s online banking.

Your adviser can create or amend a direct credit facility through Adviser Online. You can only nominate one contribution type (personal or spouse) for EFT which will be used to classify all future contributions made using this method. If you don’t have an adviser, you can change the contribution type by calling us on 1800 025 063, 9am to 5pm (Sydney time) Monday to Friday.

Once the direct credit facility is set up, we’ll provide you with the details you need to make contributions.

Direct debits

Using direct debit, it is easy to set up automatic, regular deposits into your account from an external account in the same name. The minimum direct debit amount is $100 per transaction which can be set up for a specific period or continued indefinitely. You have a choice of frequency – a one-off payment, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly.
To establish a direct debit for deposits into your account from another bank account, your adviser can provide and assist you to complete a Direct Debit Request form. Please ensure that the form is signed by all account holders (not third party authorised signatories). If you hold a Macquarie Vision account please use this form.

Claiming a deduction

If you’d like to claim a deduction for your personal contribution, your adviser can assist you to complete and send us a Deduction Notice for Personal Contributions form, or a NAT 71121 form that is available from the ATO. If you hold a Macquarie Vision account please use this form

There are a number of conditions that need to be met in order to be eligible to claim a tax deduction for your personal contributions, including timeframes to make the claim. Before claiming a tax deduction, you should talk with your adviser or accountant.

Investment or SMSF account

The information below applies to the following accounts:

  • Macquarie Cash Management Account (CMA)
  • Macquarie Investment Manager (Macquarie Cash Management Account)
  • Macquarie Investment Consolidator (Macquarie Consolidator Cash Account)
  • Macquarie Investment Manager II (Wrap Cash Account)
  • Macquarie Investment Consolidator II (Wrap Cash Account)
  • Macquarie Vision (Macquarie Vision Cash Account)

You can make a payment into your cash account a number of ways:

  • EFT
  • BPAY
  • Direct debit

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

You can transfer funds into your account from your Macquarie account or from most other financial institutions by using their online banking services.

Our branch (BSB) number is 182-512*.

Please note:

  • Transfers from Macquarie accounts will generally reach your account on the same business banking day. This does not include super or pension accounts
  • Transfers from other financial institutions are normally made overnight and generally reach your account the following business banking day. This means a transfer made on a Friday will generally be deposited the following Monday. Transfers made after business hours, however, will take an additional day to reach your account. For example, a transfer made after business hours on a Monday will generally be deposited on Wednesday.

Where you have an SMSF which uses a Macquarie CMA or your SMSF is administered through a Macquarie Investment Consolidator account, we offer an electronic message service that allows your account to receive employer super contribution payments and related messages electronically. The electronic service address (ESA) is MACQUARIESMSF.

For SuperStream rollovers, you’ll need an active ESA that provides for rollover SuperStream services. To find an ESA provider for rollovers, we recommend referring to the ATO’s register of SMSF messaging providers.

*Only for accounts listed at the start of the article. For BSBs relating to Macquarie Cash Management Trusts (CMTs) which were transitioned to Macquarie CMAs, please refer to the Product Information Statement or check your account online.

*If you have a Macquarie Investment Accumulator Account, please use the BSB 182-799 and your account number to make EFT payments into your account.

Transfers via an overseas bank

You can transfer funds to your Macquarie CMA from overseas by:

  • bank draft drawn at an Australian bank, or by
  • telegraphic transfer in Australian dollars (AUD). Please instruct the sending bank to quote our SWIFT code: MACQAU2S XXX.


To send funds to your account via BPAY, contact the financial institution holding the funds, which must be a BPAY payer. Use the following details to make the transfer: 

  • Biller code: 667022
  • Reference number: your cash account number

If you have a Macquarie Investment Accumulator Account, please use the Biller code 423152 and your account number as the reference number to make BPAY deposits into your account.

Please note BPAY deposits take two business days to clear.

Making direct debits

Direct debits are the easiest way to automate regular deposits into your account.

To set up a direct debit from an account you have with another financial institution, you can elect this on the online application at the time your account is opened and complete the Direct Debit Request form.

This form can also be used to facilitate a one-off direct debit.

The name of the bank account that you're debiting needs to match the name of your Macquarie account. You can request a direct debit from your joint bank account into your individual Macquarie account, just make sure that the direct debit request is signed by both joint account holders.

You’ll need to provide a copy of a recent bank statement (that’s less than six months old) for the account you’re debiting which is used to verify the account details.

In circumstances where the account you are nominating for direct debits doesn’t issue statements, we will accept alternative documents that clearly reflect the account name and details, for example a Transaction Report or screenshot of the online bank statement.

30 June cut-off dates and tasks

Please visit our EOFY Hub for details of cut-off dates and tips for EOFY-related tasks.

Work test declaration (age 67+)

A number of requirements must be met in order for you to claim a tax deduction for contributions you make under the work test.

For contributions made from 1 July 2022, a work test (or work test exemption) must be met in order for you to claim a tax deduction for contributions you make from age 67 up to the 28th day after the end of the month you turn 75.

  • Work test: The work test requires you to be gainfully employed for at least 40 hours in a period of not more than 30 consecutive days in the financial year in which the contribution is made.
  • Work test exemption: No work test is required in the financial year following the year you retire, provided your total superannuation balance is less than $300,000 as at 30 June of the previous financial year and you were gainfully employed for at least 40 hours in 30 consecutive days in the year of retirement.

The work test (and work test exemption) for individuals making personal deductible contributions will be administered by the ATO when they lodge their income tax return. If you will be 67 or over when you plan to make a personal deductible contribution over age 67, we suggest that you confirm with your adviser whether you meet the requirements to claim a tax deduction, including the work test (or work test exemption) requirement in order to claim a tax deduction.

® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518

Start a live chat

Log in to Macquarie Online Banking or the Macquarie Mobile Banking app and chat with a consultant in real time, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Sydney time (excluding public holidays).

Experiencing financial difficulty?

Please get in touch as soon as possible so we can work together to find the right solution for you.

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Everyone at Macquarie is committed to providing our clients with the highest standard of products and services available. If you have feedback we would like you to tell us about it.