Our obligations

We’re required to regularly check in with you to confirm we have the right details about your identity, source of funds, and the reasons for investing with us. This is part of our regulatory obligation due to Anti-Money Laundering/Counter Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF).

It’s important for us to check and obtain this information from you to keep your account up to date. 

What ID information we need

Your entity type will affect what information you need to provide us (read the relevant section below for details). Please note, identification documents must have been certified within the last 12 months, at the time of acceptance by us.


If we’ve contacted you about updating your details, you’ll need to provide:

Information you'll need to provideHow to provide?
  • Your full legal name
  •  Any other names you're known by
  • Your date of birth
  • Your residential address: your main place of residence
  • Your occupation: your main role of employment
  • Your source of wealth: a brief description on the origin of your overall wealth, not limited specifically to fund deposited with us
Complete a Macquarie Individual and Sole Trader Identification form
  • Purpose of your account/investment with us: a brief description on the purpose of opening your account/s
  • Source of funds for the account held with us: a brief description on the origin of funds currently deposited into your account/s
Confirm this information by email.
  • Supporting documents
Provide a wet ink certified copy of your photo ID.

Politically Exposed Person (PEP)

A PEP is defined as an individual:

  1. who holds a prominent public position or function in a government or international organisation
  2. who is an immediate family member of a person referred to in point 1
  3. who is a close associate of a person referred to in point 1

You can find out more by visiting the AUSTRAC website.

If we've contacted you about updating your details as a PEP (Politically Exposed Person), you'll need to provide the following information:

Information you'll need to provideHow to provide?
  • Your full legal name
  •  Any other names you're known by
  • Your date of birth
  • Your residential address: your main place of residence
  • Your occupation: your main role of employment
  • Your source of wealth: a brief description on the origin of your overall wealth, not limited specifically to fund deposited with us
Complete a Macquarie Individual and Sole Trader Identification form
  • Purpose of your account/investment with us: a brief description on the purpose of opening your account/s
  • Source of funds for the account held with us: a brief description on the origin of funds currently deposited into your account/s
Confirm this information by email.
  • Supporting documents
Provide a wet ink certified copy of your photo ID.

Australian Proprietary Company

If we’ve contacted you about updating the details for your Australian Proprietary Company, you’ll need to provide the following information:

Information you'll need to provide for your CompanyHow to provide?
  • Full name as registered by ASIC
  • Registered address
  • Principal place of business (if any)
  • ACN
  • Private/proprietary company status
  • Full names of all directors
  • Industry (or industries) in which the Company operates
  • Business activity: nature of the Company’s business activity
  • Source of wealth: a brief description on the origin of the Company’s overall wealth, not limited specifically to funds deposited with us
Complete a Macquarie Australian Companies Identification form
  • Purpose of account/investment with us: a brief description on the purpose of opening the Company’s account/s
  • Source of funds for the account(s) held with us: a brief description on the origin of funds currently deposited into the Company’s account(s)
Confirm this information by email.
  • The full name/s, residential address/es and date/s of birth for the beneficial owners of the Company.

Beneficial owners are Individuals who ultimately own 25% or more of the Company’s issued share capital (through direct or indirect shareholdings) OR Individuals who directly or indirectly control the Company such as directors or C-level executives.

If shares are held non-beneficially on behalf of another entity we require supporting documentation of this arrangement e.g. if shares are held on behalf of a trust we require a certified copy of the trust deed.

Complete a Macquarie Individual and Sole Trader Identification form
  • Supporting documents
Provide an ASIC extract for the Company OR a wet ink certified copy of a certificate of registration issued by ASIC.

Australian Domestic Public Company

If we’ve contacted you about updating the details for your Australian Domestic Public Company, you’ll need to provide the following information:

Information you'll need to provide for your CompanyHow to provide?
  • Full name as registered by ASIC
  • Registered address
  • Principal place of business (if any)
  • ACN
  • Private/proprietary company status
  • Full names of all directors
  • The exchange on which the Company's shares are listed
  • Industry (or industries) in which the Company operates
  • Business activity: nature of the Company’s business activity
  • Source of wealth: a brief description on the origin of the Company’s overall wealth, not limited specifically to funds deposited with us
Complete a Macquarie Australian Companies Identification form
  • Purpose of account/investment with us: a brief description on the purpose of opening the Company’s account/s
  • Source of funds for the account(s) held with us: a brief description on the origin of funds currently deposited into the Company’s account(s)
Confirm this information by email.
  • The full name/s, residential address/es and date/s of birth for the beneficial owners of the Company.

Beneficial owners are Individuals who ultimately own 25% or more of the Company’s issued share capital (through direct or indirect shareholdings) OR Individuals who directly or indirectly control the Company such as directors or C-level executives.

If shares are held non-beneficially on behalf of another entity we require supporting documentation of this arrangement e.g. if shares are held on behalf of a trust we require a certified copy of the trust deed.

Complete a Macquarie Individual and Sole Trader Identification form for each beneficial owner
  • Supporting documents
Provide an ASIC extract for the Company OR a wet ink certified copy of a certificate of registration issued by ASIC.

Foreign Company

If we’ve contacted you about updating the details for your Foreign Company (registered with ASIC), you’ll need to provide the following information:

Information you'll need to provide for your CompanyHow to provide?
  • Full name as registered by ASIC
  • Registered office address in Australia
  • Principal place of business in Australia (if any) or the full name and address of the Company's local agent
  • Country in which Company was formed/incorporated/registered
  • ABRN
  • The private/proprietary/public company status of the Company
  • Whether the Company is registered by a relevant foreign registration body
  • If registered by relevant foreign registration body the following additional requirements apply:
    • Company status (private, public or some other type of Company by the relevant foreign registration body)
    • Name of foreign registration body
  • If the Company is private, the full names of all directors for the Company
  • Industry (or industries) in which the Company operates
  • Business activity: nature of the Company’s business activity
  • Source of wealth: a brief description on the origin of the Company’s overall wealth, not limited specifically to funds deposited with us
Complete a Macquarie Foreign Companies Identification form
  • Purpose of account/investment with us: a brief description on the purpose of opening the Company’s account/s
  • Source of funds for the account(s) held with us: a brief description on the origin of funds currently deposited into the Company’s account(s)
Confirm this information by email.
  • The full name/s, residential address/es and date/s of birth for the beneficial owners of the Company.

Beneficial owners are Individuals who ultimately own 25% or more of the Company’s issued share capital (through direct or indirect shareholdings) OR Individuals who directly or indirectly control the Company such as directors or C-level executives.

If shares are held non-beneficially on behalf of another entity we require supporting documentation of this arrangement e.g. if shares are held on behalf of a trust we require a certified copy of the trust deed.

Complete a Macquarie Individual and Sole Trader Identification form for each beneficial owner
  • Supporting documents
  • Provide an ASIC extract for the Company, and/or
  • Extract of the Foreign registration body database, and/or
  • Wet ink certified copy of a certificate of registration issued by ASIC or the Foreign registration body

Trust (not regulated in Australia)

If we’ve contacted you about updating the details for your Trust (not regulated in Australia), you’ll need to provide the following information:

Information you'll need to provide for your TrustHow to provide?
  • Full name of the trust
  • The full business name (if any) of the trustee in respect of the trust
  • Type of trust (eg family trust, testamentary trust, charitable fund, discretionary trust, etc)
  • Country of formation for the trust
  • The full name/s of all beneficiaries and class of beneficiaries (as applicable) for the trust.
  • Full name of the settlor of the trust, unless:
    • the material asset contribution to the trust by the settlor at the time the trust is established-is less than $10,000; or
    • the settlor is deceased
  • Industry (or industries) of the Trust's operations or key industry of the Trust’s underlying assets
  • Business activity: nature of the Trust’s business activity
  • Source of wealth: a brief description on the origin of the Trust’s overall wealth, not limited specifically to funds deposited with us
Complete a Macquarie Unregulated Australian Trusts and Foreign Trusts Identification form
  • Purpose of account/investment with us: a brief description on the purpose of opening the Trust account/s
  • Source of funds for the account(s) held with us: a brief description on the origin of funds currently deposited into the Trust account(s)
Confirm this information by email.
  • Trustee information
  • Individual Trustee/s: Complete the requirements under the Individual section of this page.
  • Company Trustee: Complete the requirements under the Company section of this page.
  • Supporting documents
Provide a wet ink certified copy of the trust deed.

Trust (regulated – SMSF)

If we’ve contacted you about updating the details for your Trust (regulated – SMSF), you’ll need to provide the following information:

Information you'll need to provide for your TrustHow to provide?
  • Full name of the trust
  • The full business name (if any) of the trustee in respect of the trust
  • Type of trust (eg family trust, testamentary trust, charitable fund, discretionary trust, etc)
  • Country of formation for the trust
  • The full name/s of all beneficiaries and class of beneficiaries (as applicable) for the trust
  • Full name of the settlor of the trust, unless:
    • the material asset contribution to the trust by the settlor at the time the trust is established-is less than $10,000; or
    • the settlor is deceased
  • Industry (or industries) of the Trust's operations or key industry of the Trust’s underlying assets
  • Business activity: nature of the Trust’s business activity
  • Source of wealth: a brief description on the origin of the Trust’s overall wealth, not limited specifically to funds deposited with us
Complete a Macquarie Australian Regulated Trusts Identification form
  • Purpose of account/investment with us: a brief description on the purpose of opening the Trust account/s
  • Source of funds for the account(s) held with us: a brief description on the origin of funds currently deposited into the Trust account(s)
Confirm this information by email.
  • Trustee information
  • Individual Trustee/s: Complete the requirements under the Individual section of this page.
  • Company Trustee: Complete the requirements under the Company section of this page.
  • Supporting documents
Provide a wet ink certified copy of the trust deed.


If we’ve contacted you about updating the details for your Association, you’ll need to provide the following information:

Information you'll need to provide for your AssociationHow to provide?
  • Full name of the association
  • ONE of the following:
    • Principal place of administration; OR
    • Registered office (if any); OR
    • Residential address of the association's public officer or (if there is no such person) the full name of association's president, secretary or treasurer.
  • Full name of the chairperson (or equivalent)
  • Full name of the secretary (or equivalent)
  • Full name of the treasurer (or equivalent)
  • For an incorporated association only
    • Name of Body responsible for registration
    • Unique registration number issued on incorporation by the State, Territory or overseas body responsible for the incorporation
  • Industry (or industries) of the Association’s operations or key industry of the Association’s underlying assets
  • Business activity: nature of the Association’s business activity
  • Source of wealth: a brief description on the origin of the Association’s overall wealth, not limited specifically to funds deposited with us
Complete a Macquarie Association Identification form
  • Purpose of account/investment with us: a brief description on the purpose of opening the Association’s account/s
  • Source of funds for the account(s) held with us: a brief description on the origin of funds currently deposited into the Association’s account(s)
Confirm this information by email.
  • The full name/s, residential address/es and date/s of birth for the beneficial owners of the Association.

Beneficial owners of an association may include individuals that directly or indirectly entitled to exercise 25% or more of the voting rights, including power of veto, Chairman, President, Treasurer or Secretary.

  • If the association is unincorporated, you’ll need to provide a completed copy of the Macquarie Individual and Sole Traders identification form that outlines the full name, residential address and date of birth for one member of the association.
Complete a Macquarie Individual Identification form for each beneficial owner
  • Supporting documents

One or more of the following is required to be sent in with the required identification form completed in full:

  • Information provided by ASIC or by the State, Territory or overseas body responsible for the incorporation of the association
  • Wet ink certified copy or certified extract of the constitution or rules of the association
  • Wet ink certified copy or certified extract of minutes of meeting of the association

Identity Certification

Photo ID requirements

Please note that we can only accept government issued photo identification documents (eg passport, driver's licence, proof of age card).  
The ID must be valid and not expired unless your document is an Australian Passport that hasn't been expired for two years or more.

Certifying your ID

When getting your photo ID certified, each page of the copy must be signed by the certifier who must include the mandatory certification elements:

  1. Certifier’s full name
  2. Certifier’s qualification/capacity to certify documents, including their years of service where relevant.
  3. Certifier’s signature (digital signature is not permitted)
  4. Date; and
  5. Certification statement – To the effect of “I certify this is a true copy of the original document which I have sighted.” (written or stamped)
    • The certifier must sight the original document in person (not over video conference)
    • The ID document must not be expired (unless it’s a passport in which case the expiration date must not be older than two years)
    • The copy of the document must be fresh (meaning it must not be certified on the same copy as a previously certified document)

Identification documents must have been certified within the last 12 months, at the time of acceptance by us.

Wet ink signatures

Also referred to as traditional and sometimes original signature. This signature is pen on paper. The signature has been placed onto the document by hand and has not been embedded by digital means.

Who can certify your ID

A number of people can help you certify your photo ID. A full list of who can certify your documents is available in the Macquarie client identity verification FAQs.

If you have any other questions about this process, please contact us

Where to send information

Please send your responses, quoting the reference number, and any other additional documents depending on the product you have to:

 Home LoanBusiness Savings AccountAll Other Products
Email addressHomeLoanService@macquarie.comdigitalbusiness@macquarie.com transact@macquarie.com 
Contact Number 1800 086 626 1800 620 6731800 806 310 

Alternatively, you can get in touch with one of our consultants using live chat.

We need to receive your answers to your entity specific questions within seven days.

If you’d like to discuss this further, please call us on the relevant contact numbers above.

Restricted accounts

Once the documents are provided, we’ll verify your information against our records. If we aren’t able to successfully verify your information by the date specified in our communication, we’ll need to place restrictions on your accounts.

It’s important to note that there are other reasons why we may need to place restrictions on accounts. However, this article explains why we may need to place restrictions on accounts for AML/CTF reasons.

What does accounts restricted mean?

For cash, wrap and transaction and savings accounts:
  • You won’t have access to the money in your account/s. If you have a trading/investment account, you may not be able to place investment transactions (equity trades, managed fund orders etc)
  • Any direct debits or pension payments that are set up to come out of your account/s will not be processed
  • You won’t be able to withdraw cash at ATMs using your card or access funds at point of sale (if applicable to your product).
For Home Loans:
  • You won’t have access to the money in any of your offset accounts
  • You won’t have the ability to access redraw facilities on your home loan.
For Car Loans:
  • You won’t be able to refinance any loans that you hold
  • You won’t be able to successfully apply for any new car loans with Macquarie.

If your accounts are restricted, you can still receive payments into your account/s, however you won’t be able to access these funds. You can also contribute repayments into your loan account/s during this period.

Please note, if we’re able to successfully verify your information, we’ll remove the restrictions placed on your account/s. If applicable, your loan services will also resume if we’re able to successfully verify your information.

Start a live chat

Log in to Macquarie Online Banking or the Macquarie Mobile Banking app and chat with a consultant in real time, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Sydney time (excluding public holidays).

Experiencing financial difficulty?

Please get in touch as soon as possible so we can work together to find the right solution for you.

Resolve a complaint

Everyone at Macquarie is committed to providing our clients with the highest standard of products and services available. If you have feedback we would like you to tell us about it.