Account number has 13 digits

You’ll find your account number in your welcome letter, or on any statement you’ve received.

If your car loan has a 13-digit account number (XXX-XXXXXXX-XXX), you may be eligible for YourLease. YourLease is our online portal that allows you to access and manage your loan account details online.

Steps to register for YourLease

  1. Go to and select Register Now
  2. Enter your first name, driver license, number and date of birth
  3. Click Submit
  4. Enter your mobile number and email address
  5. Click Submit
  6. Once successful registration is confirmed, you'll receive an email and SMS with your log in details.

Steps to log in to YourLease

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your username and password
  3. Click Log in.

What can I do on YourLease?

With YourLease, you can access and manage your loan account details online anytime, anywhere.

View account information – including details about your upcoming payment, loan balance, interest rate (for Consumer Loans only) and manual payment details:

  • from the dashboard, click on Your contract - this will take you to your contract screen
  • from here you can update contact details, request documents, update payment details, request a payout figure and view your payment history.

Update your details – including your personal information and direct debit details:

  • from the dashboard, click on Your contract – this will take you to your Contract screen
  • click Contact Details – from here you can update your phone number, email details or your address.

Request various documents – You can also download a copy of your payment history and a payout letter:

  • from the dashboard, select your contract – this will take you to your Contract screen
  • click Request a document 
  • select from list of documents which will be sent to your via email.

Once you've logged in, select the required information from the main menu (shown below).

For example, if you would like a payout quote, select the payout quote icon. Here you may request a payout figure and download a payout letter instantly.

Can’t register for YourLease?

If you have a novated lease with a salary packager, or if a particular introducer established your lease/loan, you may not have access to YourLease.

If you’ve seen the error message “REG-001”, your contact details with us may be out of date. Please contact us on 02 8550 5666, 9am to 5pm (Sydney time) Monday to Friday to update them before you register.

Account number has 9 digits

You’ll find your account number in your welcome email, or any statement you’ve received. 

Steps to register for Macquarie Online Banking

  1. Go to
  2. Click Log in
  3. Select Macquarie Online, select New to Macquarie? to register with your Macquarie ID and mobile number
  4. Once you've registered, enter your Macquarie ID and password on the log in page. Select Log in.

Steps to log in to Macquarie Online Banking

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Log in
  3. Select Macquarie Online
  4. Enter your Macquarie ID
  5. Enter your password 
  6. Select Log in.

Steps to register and log in to Macquarie Mobile Banking app

For more information on set up and access, see Log in to Macquarie Mobile Banking app.

More information

You can view and download statementschange your direct debit details and view your interest details. If you have other banking products such as a Macquarie Home Loan or Transaction Account, you’ll also be able to view these. 

Start a live chat

Log in to Macquarie Online Banking or the Macquarie Mobile Banking app and chat with a consultant in real time, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Sydney time (excluding public holidays).

Experiencing financial difficulty?

Please get in touch as soon as possible so we can work together to find the right solution for you.

Resolve a complaint

Everyone at Macquarie is committed to providing our clients with the highest standard of products and services available. If you have feedback we would like you to tell us about it.