All your investments in one place

Macquarie Vision offers you and your adviser visibility, control and service all in the one place. 
Businessman and business woman working together at the office using laptop and documents
Talk to your Macquarie adviser today about Macquarie Vision. 

Detailed reporting and analysis

Access complete and consolidated reporting across your Macquarie Vision portfolio with all your investments in one place. 

Visibility and control

Monitor all your investment positions at a glance on both desktop view and through our app. 

24 hour online access

View your account valuation, transaction history, and asset allocation, anywhere and at any time.


Access to Macquarie's research and insights including coverage of equities, commodities, and broader economic factors. 


A Macquarie Vision account connects you to your financial future by bringing your wealth solutions into one place. 

A mid-shot of a young business man typing on his computer on his office desk with a laptop connected to a screen.

Everything in one place

Use Macquarie Vision to hold your cash, super, trading and investments in the one place. 

Introducing Macquarie Vision

More than just a reporting tool, Macquarie Vision offers many innovative features to make managing your wealth easier.

Watch this short video to see how it works.

Macquarie Vision 101 views

With Macquarie Vision you can look at your portfolio on the go. This video will demonstrate the different ways you can view your investments on the portal.

Macquarie Vision 101 Transactions

This video will demonstrate how you can view your transactions relating to your equities, managed funds and term deposits.

Macquarie Investment documents

Macquarie Investment IDPS guideDownload PDF
Macquarie IDPS Investment menuDownload PDF
Macquarie Investment Material Event Notice – 1 July 2019Download PDF
Macquarie Investment Material Event Notice – 1 October 2021Download PDF
Unadvised Investors Investment MenuDownload PDF
Macquarie Investment Material Event Notice – 1 September 2022Download PDF
Macquarie Investment Material Event Notice – 1 January 2024Download PDF
Macquarie Investment Material Event Notice – 31 May 2024Download PDF

Macquarie Super and Pension documents

Macquarie Super and Pension PDSDownload PDF
Macquarie Wrap Superannuation technical information bookletDownload PDF
Macquarie Super and Pension Investment menuDownload Excel
Macquarie Super and Pension Product updateDownload PDF
Macquarie Super Annual ReportDownload PDF
Unadvised Members Super MenuDownload PDF


Significant event notice (SEN)

25 November 2020 – Cash Hub Administration fee/Interest Rate Changes

Changes include:

  • A decrease in the maximum cash hub administration fee from 2.41% to 1.5%, and
  • A change to the cash hub minimum interest rate

Related SENs:

1 October 2021 – Operational Risk Financial Requirement (ORFR) Fee and Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO)

Changes include:

  • Introduction of an ORFR fee and disclosure of estimated regulatory and operating expenses the Trustee will recover from the superannuation fund (not applicable for previous SuperOptions members)
  • A change to the variable fee range for cash administration fees on cash accounts
  • Our response to the commencement of the Design and Distribution Obligations which includes:
    • target market determinations,
    • restricting investments choices and tools for accounts without a linked financial adviser, and
    • restricting advisers’ ability to transact where personal advice has not been provided and where the adviser determines the transaction is not consistent with the target market determination for the product
  • Changes to the complaints processes regarding new regulatory timeframes

Other minor changes were implemented regarding the way adviser service fees can be charged, the removal of the Eligible Rollover Fund, the proposed introduction of dollar cost averaging for SMAs, electronic signature procedures, and a disclosure relating to reporting and rounding calculations.

Related SENs:

1 September 2022 – Cash Hub Administration fee/Interest Rate Changes

Changes Include:

  • An increase in the estimated range of the cash hub administration fee to 0.69% p.a. to 1.75% p.a. applied to your balance in the cash hub (which means an increase in the fees that you may be charged), and
  • Lowering the cash hub minimum interest rate payable to you, and
  • A change to the way we disclose fees and costs to meet new regulatory requirements (RG97).

Related SENs:

1 January 2024 – Brokerage cost change for previously advised clients

The brokerage costs applied to transactions on Australian listed securities will change where there is no adviser on your account.

Related SEN:

31 May 2024

Updates include:

  • a one-off deduction from the Fund’s Taxation Reserve to account for an additional GST payment; and
  • clarifying the ability of the Fund to claim reduced input tax credits (RITCs) for adviser service fees paid from 1 July 2024, in response to updated guidance from the ATO; and
  • cessation of foreign currency contributions.

Related SENs:

Macquarie Trading documents

Macquarie Trading bookletDownload PDF

Macquarie Vision Cash documents

Macquarie Vision Cash product information statementDownload PDF
Macquarie Cash Solutions direct debit formDownload PDF
Macquarie Cash Solutions withdrawal formDownload PDF
Macquarie Cash Solutions third party authority formDownload PDF
Macquarie Cash Solutions recurring payment authority formDownload PDF

Macquarie Vision Savings documents

Macquarie Vision Savings product information statementDownload PDF

Current interest rates

Macquarie Vision Cash account2.75% p.a.^
Macquarie Vision Savings account ($0-1,999,999.99)4.65% p.a.^
Macquarie Vision Savings account ($2,000,000-9,999,999.99)4.15% p.a.^
Macquarie Vision Savings account ($10,000,000 +)
3.00% p.a.^
Macquarie Vision Super and Pension Cash Hub3.59% p.a.#
Premium Portfolio Service Super and Pension Cash account4.26% p.a.#

# Interest rates effective from 25 August 2024 and are subject to change.

^ Interest rates effective from 8 April 2024 and are subject to change.

Superannuation disclosure

Find your Macquarie Superannuation Plan trust deed, board remuneration, annual reports and other important information.

View all

Member outcomes assessment summary

Annual Members' Meeting

Additional information

This information has been prepared by Macquarie Investment Management Limited ABN 66 002 867 003 AFSL 237492 RSEL L0001281 (MIML) and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making any financial investment decision or a decision about whether to acquire a product mentioned on this page, a person should obtain and review the terms and conditions and/or relevant offer document relating to that product and also seek independent financial, legal and taxation advice.

The Macquarie Vision products referred to on this page are issued by MIML. Consider the Product Disclosure Statement (and/or other applicable offer documents) available on the Macquarie Vision website , to decide if our products are right for you and whether you should acquire or continue to hold a product.

Funds invested on your behalf by MIML are not deposits with or other liabilities of Macquarie Bank Limited ABN 46008583542 or any other entity of the Macquarie Group and are subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment and loss of income and capital invested. None of Macquarie Bank Limited, MIML, or any other member of the Macquarie Group guarantees any particular rate of return or the performance of the investments, nor do they guarantee the repayment of capital.

Target Market Determinations for Macquarie issued products are available at our Design and Distribution hub.