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Wrap up your investments | Download PDF |
Wrap up your super and pension | Download PDF |
With Macquarie Wrap, you and your adviser have access to hundreds of investment options across a range of investment types, including some that wouldn't usually be available to direct investors. This allows your adviser to create a portfolio tailored to your specific wealth needs and goals.
The Macquarie Wrap technology gives you visibility of your investments 24/7 online and through our award-winning mobile app.
We're one of Australia's largest investment platform providers, and we're part of the broader Macquarie Group, a global investment leader with over 50 years of unbroken profitability.
Macquarie Authenticator is our standalone mobile authentication app. It sends you push notifications to verify transactions and other account activity. It connects directly to Macquarie's mobile banking app, and gives you the confidence your information and accounts have the highest level of safety - 24/7.
Access your investment and insurance tax information in one place, and choose to give access to your accountant or SMSF administrator. This helps reduce the tax return preparation you and your financial specialists need to undertake each year.
With Macquarie's Wrap platform, your adviser has access to buy and sell assets online at any time, with your permission. This means they’re able to take advantage of changes in the market quickly.
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Wrap up your investments | Download PDF |
Wrap up your super and pension | Download PDF |
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Macquarie Investment Consolidator II IDPS Guide | Download PDF |
Macquarie Super and Pension Consolidator II PDS | Download PDF |
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Macquarie Investment Manager II IDPS Guide | Download PDF |
Macquarie Super and Pension Manager II PDS | Download PDF |
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Macquarie Wrap Cash Account - Product Information Statement | Download PDF |
Macquarie Super and Pension - Technical Information Booklet | Download PDF |
Super Investment Menu | Download Excel |
IDPS Investment Menu | Download Excel |
(Closed to new investments)
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Macquarie Investment Consolidator IDPS Guide | Download PDF |
Macquarie Super and Pension Consolidator PDS | Download PDF |
Macquarie Consolidator Cash Account | Download PDF |
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Macquarie Investment Manager IDPS Guide | Download PDF |
Macquarie Super and Pension Manager PDS | Download PDF |
Macquarie Term Allocated Pension Manager Supplementary PDS | Download PDF |
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Macquarie Investment Accumulator IDPS Guide | Download PDF |
Macquarie Super Accumulator PDS | Download PDF |
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Macquarie Super and Pension Consolidator / Manager, Super Accumulator and Macquarie Investment Consolidator / Manager / Accumulator Product Update - 1 December 2023 | Download PDF |
Macquarie Super and Pension Consolidator / Manager, Super Accumulator and Macquarie Investment Consolidator / Manager / Accumulator Product Update - 31 May 24 | Download PDF |
Find your Macquarie Superannuation Plan trust deed, board remuneration, annual reports and other important information.
Account | Interest rate |
Investment Wrap Cash Account
| 2.75% p.a.#
Investment Manager Cash Management Account
| 2.75% p.a.# |
Investment Consolidator Cash Account
| 2.75% p.a.#
Investment Accumulator Cash Account
| 2.75% p.a.#
Super and Pension Wrap Cash Hub
| 3.63% p.a.^
Super and Pension Manager Cash Account
| 4.36% p.a.^
Super Accumulator Cash Account
| 4.36% p.a.^
Separately Managed Account (SMA) Cash Holding | 2.75% p.a.# |
^ Interest rate effective from 2 February 2025 and is subject to change
# Interest rate effective from 8 April 2024 and is subject to change
If you have a Macquarie superannuation wrap account and wish to get insurance cover for life’s unexpected events, we’ve worked with a panel of insurers to provide comprehensive information to your adviser who can provide insurance product information and considerations on what level of cover is right for you.
Your adviser can help you with completing the application, any underwriting requirements and explain how the policy terms operate.
As part of our commitment to providing members of our superannuation funds with the best experience possible, we've adopted the Insurance in Superannuation Voluntary Code of Practice (Code of Practice). Some of the changes members will see include:
Feel empowered with knowledge when discussing your finances and retirement plan with your financial adviser. Access a range of tools, calculators and articles.
To open a Macquarie Wrap account, speak to your financial adviser.
If you don't have a financial adviser, you can visit the Australian Government's moneysmart website for guidance on how to choose the right adviser for you.
Not all advisers will use Macquarie’s products and services and some Macquarie products may not be able to be linked to a specific adviser; please speak with any prospective adviser about the support they can offer.
If you'd like to open a wrap account, please speak to your financial adviser.
Visit our investment page to find out about other options.
If you have further questions about wrap or other products, visit our Help Centre.
If you no longer have a financial adviser, you may also find our Managing your wrap page helpful.
This information has been prepared by Macquarie Investment Management Limited ABN 66 002 867 003 AFSL 237492 RSEL L0001281 (MIML) and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making any financial investment decision or a decision about whether to acquire a product mentioned on this page, a person should obtain and review the terms and conditions and/or relevant offer document relating to that product and also seek independent financial, legal and taxation advice.
The Macquarie Wrap products referred to on this page are issued by Macquarie Investment Management Limited ABN 66 002 867 003 AFSL 237 492 (MIML). Consider the Product Disclosure Statement (and/or other applicable offer documents) available on the Macquarie Wrap website, to decide if our products are right for you and whether you should acquire or continue to hold a product.
Funds invested on your behalf by MIML are not deposits with or other liabilities of Macquarie Bank Limited ABN 46008583542 or any other entity of the Macquarie Group and are subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment and loss of income and capital invested. None of Macquarie Bank Limited, MIML, or any other member of the Macquarie Group guarantees any particular rate of return or the performance of the investments, nor do they guarantee the repayment of capital.
Target Market Determinations for Macquarie issued products are available at our Design and Distribution hub.
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